Love without Borders City Bench / London Festival of Architecture LFA, UK / 2019 / Plywood and painted metal / 1:1
Atelier La Juntana was appointed to design and deliver a public installation as part of the City of London Bench 2019 competition organised by the London Festival of Architecture. The proposal was exhibited as part of the festival in Bow Churchyard in the City of London during the months of June, July and August 2019 and subsequently donated to the Dulwich Village C of E Infants’ School in London.
The City bench, named ‘Love without Borders’, was designed within the LFA 2019 topic of boundaries, as a response to the recent increase in physical borders between countries. Since 2001, over 50 new walls have been built to mark boundaries across the globe. What do these physical boundaries represent and how do they physically and physiologically affect civilians? ALJ’s design aims to challenge the image of physical borders as boundaries and transform the notion of barrier into a window for social interaction.
The design draws inspiration from well-known existing barriers around the world and is constructed of plywood sheeting and a number of metal rods and connectors. The introduction of a heart shaped cut out creates new roles for the wall as an installation, a bench and a window where City workers can meet and socialise, promoting flashing cross-boundary encounters.
Love without Borders has been possible with the help of Shadbolt, Kohn Pedersen Fox and University of East London
#lovewithoutborders #LFA2019
More information regarding the installation can be found at link below: